Sh*t’s gonna hit the fan…

After a series of heart wrenching Facebook posts, PhilIppe Bianchi has posted this today:

Que chacun sache que si depuis un certain temps la Famille Bianchi est resté bien calme il n’en est rien notre petit jules nous donne chaque jour sa force et de belles actions vont etre menées jamais on ne l’oubliera et vous ces fans ces amis vous vous ferez toujours partis de son histoire rendez vous en Janvier pour la riposte

Here is my translation:

“Just so everyone knows, if for some time the Bianchi family has been serene, this is just an impression. Our little Jules gives us strength every day, and notable action will be taken. We will never forget him, and you his fans will always be part of his story. Rendezvous in January for our response”

We obviously don’t know what action is meant, but what is intriguing is the use of the word “riposte”.